Some thoughts about life

Why aren’t we happy ?

Have you ever feel a little bit tired, lack of motivation, or even feel unhappy, a little bit disappointed… for no reason? It’s like, you have nothing to complain about : you are healthy, have a good job, a good pay, a loving family,… but you are still looking for something, you don’t want to do anything and even feel unhappy.

Me, yes, sometime, I feel so. And during one of the days like that, I wrote down the reasons why I feel unsatisfied… for no special reason.

1. It’s physical

You know what, even when we are young and healthy, that doesn’t mean we always feel great, physically. Some days, we feel tired, because of very common reasons like : lack of sleep, a small headache, or menstrual cycle for girls, etc.

Or, just really for no reason.

Because human body is not perfect, we are not superman, so we don’t feel very excited, nor motivated 365 days a year. It’s normal, it’s life. Just accept and respect your imperfect body.

2. Everyday life is mundane

People love movies, people love extravagant shows and great stories. It’s because they help us to escape from our daily life.

But it’s normal. Movies, stories that people tell are mostly invented, a selection of key moments, with a lot of added effects. Take the most extraordinary heroes or famous person that you admire, do you think that if they show every single moment of their life, you gonna watch ? The best idols that you love, do you wanna watch them practicing their dance, their moves for hours, days after days ? The most powerful president or businessmen who take a lot of impactful decisions everyday, do you want to assist them doing paperwork and jumping from meetings to meetings for 12 hours a day ?

I think most of our daily life is mundane. It’s normal. And it’s normal that we don’t get excited or motivated everyday. It doesn’t mean that life is not worth living though. Because of some little beautiful moments.

3. We are not special

We are normal people, like other 6 billions people in this world. We are unique but not a superman or someone special.

Our consumerist and individualistic society usually tells us to find our passion, to be different, to be special. It’s to reassure people who are longing for meaning of life. And in other hand, to push us to work harder and to consume more goods.

4. We are greedy

Moreover, with all the social medias, we are constantly comparing ourself with the others. We want the body and the dance skills of Léa Elui that we see on Tik tok, plus the luxurious car that we see in Supercar Blondie’ Youtube chanel, but at the same time, the succes of Elon Musk.

Or another simpler example : we see in our Facebook page a photo of a single friend who enjoys his vacation, another friend with her adorable baby, and another couples in their fancy wedding, etc. All at the same time, and we want it all, we get jealous, or feel our daily life so… lame.

We forget that those are just some moments of their life, the moments that they (want to) show you. And we cannot have it all. It would be too greedy !

After writing down these reasons, I felt better. I’ve found some little tips to deal with my unhappy thoughts.

Tomorrow will be a better day

As our body is not perfect, I accept that sometime, I feel bad for no reason, without guilt (or at least I try). If there is a morning when I feel lack of motivation, I just tell myself that it’s normal, it’s not a day wasted but a part of life and I should respect my body to be that way. Tomorrow I might feel better, nothing lasts forever.

Let’s enjoy the smallest things

Life is mundane, life is mostly routine with some special moments. If it was not a routine mostly, special moments would not be special anymore.

A true life-lover is someone who sees beauty in the mundane daily routine. Someone who only likes exciting events doesn’t love life, he just loves shows.

We should then focus on little things, to slow down and enjoy them.

Let’s not be greedy

When I see someone showing a nice picture of their life or an admirable publication and get jealous, I will try to stop for awhile, and to imagine the rest of their life that we don’t see in the picture or the part of the story that is not written.

When I’m scrolling my FB page and feel overwhelmed by all the fancy things I see, I tell myself I cannot have it all because no one can have it all. It would be too greedy.

Social media. Stop !

Last but not least, sometime, it’s good to be away from social media. To turn off my phone. And be focus on my own life : to really think about how my life is, what I like and dislike, what I’ve done and what I should do.

Personally, I kind of enjoy writing down my thoughts on a paper, in the old way. Or in a blog, like this one.

Related thougth on Happiness: 3 simple tips to boost your morning mood