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I can’t write (part 1) – Inspiration, where are you ?

These recent months, I’ve been wondering about starting to write, a blog or some articles or to translate a book.

It’s mainly because after one year and a half working from home and spending most of my time at home, limiting social contacts and activities, I have more free time (and to be frank, I get bored a little bit). I also think that like many others, because of Covid-19, we are questioning about everything, things that seemed to be so obvious to us such as spending most of our time on transport, to work and for our colleagues.

So like many, I am wondering about my career, my life and start to be interested in the FIRE (Financial Independent and Retire Early) movement : “what if I can choose my work, whether I work and refuse to/the work if it doesn’t fit me, because I don’t have to work to pay my bills ?”

Then comes the next question, “if I have all the money needed and I have plenty of time, what would I do ? FIRE yes why not, but FIRE for what ?”

WRITING, probably, something related to words.


But, I CAN’T write.


I spent days to wonder what to write. I’ve found inspiring blogs that I really enjoy reading, and I felt that I was capable of have my own blog, but I still couldn’t write.

Here are some thoughts I had :

“Romance ? Not romance, because I’m not romantic” – I randomly lend into a blog of an author, she wrote an imaginary romance that came to her dream once. So I told myself to imagine a persona, to take time to make some nice sentences to describe the sky, the trees, and other romantic details that we usually read in romance. But I couldn’t. It felt so wrong ! I couldn’t make any sentence like that.

I’m not a romantic, I have no imaginary.

“My own stories ? not that either, I don’t want to make it personal” – Then I thought about writing about my personal stories. Well, why not, many authors get the inspiration about their own love stories, with the guys they met before, or even about their curent spouse, why not me ? I also have a white husband, and God knows how many “books” about interracial and intercultural love stories are published and popular. And I also had experienced many other dating stories, why not telling mine ? Or, another trend that are currently very popular on Youtube, talking about our daily life abroad, as an expat ?

Nope, I don’t want to show my private life in public. My thoughts, yes, but not private details.

Moreover, I’m so not-talkative that I even hardly tell my family about my daily life. So, I find nothing interesting about telling the world what I eat or visite today.

“Mentoring tips or specific expertise ? I’m no expert in anything” – Some people create expertise blogs, vlogs or podcast. They dig into a theme such as personal finance, scholarship application, tips for expat life, etc. and share their knowledge. This is admirable !

But I’m no expertise in anything.

Yes, I’ve been living abroad for a decade now, have gone through many administrative paperworks, I have a good job, but my experience is single. I can’t give advice to anyone, especially someone that I don’t know, as each experience is unique.

If I want to give up-to-date and comprehensive information about any topic, it will take me a lot of time to do research. Otherwise, I will feel so unsatisfied seeing all the cases and exceptions that I fail to cover.

Moreover, Google is an excellent tool for that.

I felt so frustrated, until one day, I decided to take a look at my old blog that I haven’t touched for the last 5 years…

Finally, I got my answers…