DUETI in Groningen, Erasmus program, Intercultural

Some comparisons

This article is about some daily stuffs that I’ve noticed. It’s not about to give a conclusion or criticisms, just some observations of mine.

1, The weather

Tomorrow’s temperature (the 14th January)

  • In Paris: min: -2 oC (felling temperature -FT:-5oC), max: 1oC (FT:-3oC)
  • In Groningen: min:-8oC ( FT: -14oC), max: -1oC (FT:-5oC). Oh, no, I feel sick already!!!

2, At the stations atmosphere

  • At Châtelet: I was waiting for the RER B and saw a woman nearby, with her baggage. I asked ‘You go to Charles-de-Gaulle too?’ (in French). ‘Yes’, she answers. Then…end of conversation. 
  • At Shipol: I asked two elders whether I had to stamp my ticket. They tried to stamp my ticket for my with the machine nearby, but then realized that the machine was only for the digital cart and that I had to walk back to the upper floor. And they told me ‘You can let your baggage here, we will take care of them for you.’. Of course, I didn’t dare (because I come from Vietnam and Paris, lol) but I really think that if I had let them my baggage, they would have been there still when I returned. Furthermore, although I’m always stressed to travel with the Dutch intercity trains by my all, as they are unreliable (usually late or cancelled), and as the announcements are in Dutch, I know that I can always find someone who can help me. People are very willing to talk with and to help you.

3, The transport to school

  • In Paris: by metro and bus, for about 50 minutes; and you would say that I was (not my old room anymore) so lucky to be that near from school.
  • In Groningen: by bike, for about 25 minutes, or by bus, for 50 minutes; and they say that I live far from school. It’s not wrong actually. Reason? See the first point about the weather!

4, Favorite drinks

  • In France: wine, champagne, etc.
  • In the Netherlands: beer.

5, Sauce and kisses

  • In Paris: sauce are included in the menu and you can easily see people kissing in public.
  • In Groningen: +0,5 euros for one sauce (in McDo, KFC; and maybe > 0,5 euros in the restaurant), no kissing in public (or rare).