DUETI in Groningen, Erasmus program, Intercultural, Random stuffs

The International dinner <3 mum mum mum

Before Christmas and New Year holiday, our class (the teachers included) organized an international dinner. The “rule” is that each member brings a traditional and hand-made plate of his/her original country.

The list of plates is long and all of them are very delicious. For instance, from the Netherlands, there are the Musterdsoup, Snert, Kruidcake, Bitterballen, Kniepertjes & Rolletjes. There are the Brigadeiros, Empadão from Brazil, the Tim Mälzer, Grünkohl und Pinkel from Gemany, the Pintxos of txaka and tuna from the Basque, the Fatias douradas, Bacalhau à Brás from Portugal, etc.

International dinner_4

International dinner _1 International dinner 2

International dinner _ 3

From my part, I made the Vietnamese traditional food, the “Nem”:


After the very delicious and special meal, we sat down together, sung and danced. It’s so sad that I can not upload the photos here, because of my friends’ willing to keep them private.

To finish, here is the photo of our class with our three teachers (on the right):

Our class and teachers

Merry Chirstmas to you all!!!