Random stuffs

How to write an awesome blog post ?

If you have a blog, you must know some basic SEO tools. Personally, I’m a very beginner in SEO. However, I use some (for free) : SEO Headline Analyzer and AIOSEO.

They give you marks on some metrics. Here is the illustration :

1. SEO Headline Analyzer

First, SEO Headline Analyzer gives you a mark on your headline. It checks the headline length, and also advises you to use emotional and power words, common but also uncommon words, etc. This post’s headline has 87/100 points for example – a ‘Super’ mark. “An, how, to” are the common words and take 38% of the headline length. “Awesome” is the ‘uncommon’ and ‘power’ word, takes 13% of the length. The headline is seen as positive 😀

2. AIOSEO – All-in-One SEO

Second, about AIOSEO checks the length of your content, paragraph, title,…

It also checks whether you use internal and external links, image or videos in your content. As a consequence, I put some images in this post. And the external link will be : https://aioseo.com. The internal link will come later at the end of this post.

Moreover, it controls that you don’t use too much the passive voice, to use enough of transition words. The transition words metric is a difficult one to get. They count the percentage of sentences with transition words. As a result, I will write some fake sentences here :

Besides, can it tell whether ?
Accordingly to the sentence below, it can't tell the incomplete sentence :)
I still need some sentences with transition words.
For now, I only have kinda 22%.
Again, the transition word exercice is hard.
Additionally, I should not write a section with more than 300 words.
Let's put some transition word side-by-side to see how it calculates : finally, at last, before, currently, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile.
Now, one word per line to pretend that I have many sentences.
On the one hand.
On the other hand.
Finally, I've got it !

Now, for this post, I have :

  • 87/100 for the headline – a ‘super’ note ;
  • 100/100 for the AIOSEO, plus every basic metrics :
    • Content Length
    • Internal links
    • Images/Videos in content
    • Paragraphs Length 
    • Sentences Length 
    • Passive Voice 
    • Transition words 
    • Consecutive sentences 
    • Subheading distribution 
    • Flesch Reading Ease

I would love to see whether this post gonna get more clicks 😀

The answer will be revealed in this post : How to write an awesome blog post ? – The ANSWER !